Glutathione Skin Lightening

Houston, TX

Glutathione is the body’s most powerful antioxidant, unknown by most. It is popular when used as a way to help whiten skin though. Glutathione skin whitening is growing in popularity, helping people achieve the skin pigmentation they desire with no harmful side effects when taken in proper dosages. This is an IV Therapy. This IV skin lightening treatment takes only 15 minutes in the doctors office.

By supplementing with a high quality Glutathione supplement, one containing Acetyl GlutathioneL-Glutathione or Liposomal Glutathione, you can not only improve your complexion, but improve the color, quality, and health of your skin, especially when given with vitamin C.

Glutathione is the body’s most powerful and important antioxidants, present in each and every cell in the body. It plays a pivotal role in detoxifying our cells, removing heavy metals, toxins and free radicals. All of which can damage our cells and significantly damage the quality of our cells, including skin cells.

Contact Us

Rodriguez Rejuvenation is located at
4126 Southwest Fwy Ste 1200
Houston, TX

(713) 523-2500

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