Hormone Education

I know what you’re thinking…. ugh… hormones… that’s something that only affects the lady folks. And boy is it a pain in the BUTT. True – hormones can do a little damage now and again, but guess what – they affect MEN and women. They are the culprit for many issues you might have. Weight gain, sluggishness in the day, anxiety, body aches, trouble sleeping, loss in sex drive, YOU NAME IT. The awesome thing to know is – it’s fixable! Like everything with a little help and some education you can tackle your hormone fluctuation and get your life back.

As an expert in hormone imbalances and proper replacement, Dr. Raul Rodriguez is ready to spring into action. He meets with each patient and takes the time to carefully listen to your issues and how hormone imbalance affects you. No two patients are the same. Dr. Rodriguez will help formulate a plan and even provide supplements to get your life back!

To save some time on the day of your visit. Please go ahead and fill out the respective form. Not sure if this procedure is right for you? Contact us and we will get back to you to answer your questions.

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