Hormone Education

I know what you’re thinking…. ugh… hormones… that’s something that only affects the lady folks. And boy is it a pain in the BUTT. True – hormones can do a little damage now and again, but guess what – they affect MEN and women. They are the culprit for many issues you might have. Weight […]
Hormone Craving Sweets?

This week’s Hormone Education post is about how your hormone imbalance may be affecting your eating habits. Ever wonder why you are constantly craving something sugary throughout the day? Think to yourself around 2pm – “I could use a cookie to get me through the rest of the day” you might have an issue with […]
Avoid Holiday Weigth Gain Detox

Here’s a no-brainer way to prevent the customary holiday weight gain from Dr. Rodriguez! Calorie Cleanse Diet Tip from Dr. Raul Rodriguez: The holidays are a time when we pack in (food) and pack on (fat) more than what we are accustomed to, usually leading to that most common New Year’s resolution –” lose some […]
Hormone Education Breast Health

Did you know that your hormone levels also affect your breast tissue? As if women needed one more thing to keep up with! Here’s some helpful information on the importance of estrogen on cell growth and how to stay on top of your hormone balances. To save some time on the day of your visit. […]
Hormone Education Men’s Health

Men? Hormones? Yes. Men & hormones. You do have them guys! And just as with women, they affect your daily life. Testosterone! It’s a hormone and it plays a critical role in maintaining both physical and mental health. Did you know that the male testosterone levels decline with age? And that without proper replacement your […]
Slimjection Medical Slim Shot

Medical Slim Shot is now available in Houston and Dallas for liposuction, tummy tuck, Smart lipo, Vaser lipo, and tumescent liposuction patients who want additional fat loss without more cosmetic surgery at Lipo Body Sculpture in Houston and Rejuvenex Medical in Dallas. This mixture consists of of B-vitamins, amino acids, and lipotropic agents. These injections […]